
Get Feedback From Students Across the Country With the Eduventures® Transfer Student Research™

Discover transfer student pathways, motivations, perceptions, concerns, financial plans, and more to solidify your transfer recruitment strategy.

Examine the Educational Path and Perceptions of Transfer Students

Gain new understanding of today’s transfer student experiences from students who recently transferred, as well as those who are making plans to transfer in the next two years, to optimize your transfer student outreach.

Understand the Minds of Today’s Transfer Students

Gain Insights Into Retrospective and Prospective Transfer Students

Receive unique insights from recent and future transfer students to gain a comprehensive understanding of the transfer student experience.

Optimize Your Outreach Efforts With the Transfer Student Mindsets™

Understand the different motivations, concerns, and search behaviors of transfer students to speak directly to their expectations.

Explore Locations and Demographics of Transfer Students

Explore the gender, first-generation status, estimated family income, and more of transfer students to personalize your engagement.

Your Transfer Student Research Dashboards

Motivations, Priorities, and Concerns Dashboard

Better understand why students leave their current schools and enroll in different institutions, as well as what they cared about when considering transferring to best support today’s transfer population.

Research and Resources Dashboard

Learn which sources of information students said they used when researching transfer school options and which sources were most helpful to meet students where they best engage.

Retrospective and Prospective Transfers Dashboards

Explore the pre- and post-transfer experiences, including credit transfers, advising, why they chose their current schools, and more to best enroll and retain transfer students.

What concerns do you have transferring to a different school?

Uncover which specific factors play the biggest roles in today’s transfer student decisions with this Motivations, Priorities, and Concerns Dashboard to ensure your recruiting and marketing efforts address what’s most on students’ minds.


Eduventures’ Transfer Student Research is based on a national sample of current undergraduate students derived from an online panel of students across the country. Invitations were distributed via email; this survey has been conducted over several separate years beginning in 2019. Results are displayed in the Encoura Platform and can be filtered for a particular year.


Our Transfer Student Research is released each year in summer and is available in the Encoura Platform.

Refine Your Marketing Strategies With Transfer Student Types™

Our six distinct Transfer Student Types help institutions better understand transfer students’ unique motivations, priorities, and concerns. By knowing a student’s Transfer Student Type, you can understand what they’re looking for in their next institution and how to best engage them.
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Get Started!

Encoura is ready to empower you with forward-thinking and actionable research to achieve your institution’s goals. Reach out to us today!