Is Extending the May 1st Deadline Too Risky?

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Q. We are debating about whether or not to extend the May 1 deadline. We are considering being flexible with the date, but not necessarily promote it. Do you think that plan is too risky?


In short, we don’t think there is any risk in moving the date, and if you are going to move the deadline you should be clear about it. The greater risk here is changing the date, and not being clear about it. If you are going to move your date—and many other schools are moving their dates—why not be very clear about what you are doing?

During a moment like this, the most important thing to do is be clear in your communications because there are a lot of communications happening right now. Many institutions are emailing at a much higher rate and communicating on a much greater scale with students than they usually do during this yield season; there are so many unknowns, there is a lot going on, and everything is changing. Students are also trying to figure out what is happening. So if are going to make changes, then make them, and be clear about it.

Eduventures Principal Analyst at ACT | NRCCUA

Tuesday June 25, 2019 at 2PM ET/1PM CT

Most colleges and universities are defined by a physical campus in a fixed location, while online learning knows no geographical bounds. Now that fully online enrollments account for about 15% of all undergraduates, and more than 30% of graduate students, the relationship between school location and student location is changing.

A few schools have used online to become national players with large numbers of students in every state, while most institutions have a predominantly local online student body. But does the future favor national or local online markets? Which strategy—local, national, or both—is in the best interests of different types of schools and different types of students, and should policymakers and taxpayers care? The answers will either reinforce institutional locations and identities as we know them, or advance a completely different relationship between institution, student, and place.

In this webinar, we will review new Eduventures analysis of online higher education market dynamics, and the emerging terms of engagement in the battle for value.

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