Gain Valuable College Search Insight With Prospective Parent Research™

Understand how college-bound high school students’ parents/guardians approach one of the most important decisions of their children’s lives.

Develop a Successful Parent/Guardian Recruitment Strategy

The Eduventures® Prospective Parent Research provides colleges and universities with important insights about the specific college search roles, preferences, and decision-making factors of prospective student families so they can develop effective family recruitment strategies.

Understand the Minds of Today’s Parents / Guardians

Support Parent/Guardian Roles in the College Search

Gain valuable information revealing the roles of parents/guardians in their children’s college searches to improve your family outreach.

Optimize Marketing and Recruitment with Prospective Parent Mindsets™

Understand parents’/guardians’ perceived importance of college experiences, financial expectations, and key application decision criteria.

Identify How to Best Reach and Support Parents/Guardians

Pinpoint parents’/guardians’ desired college communication methods and topics to reach them how they’re most likely to engage.

Understanding Parents/Guardians' Expectations for College Experiences

Our Prospective Parent Research includes preferences for their children’s college choices, including, major and career interests, plus much more. You’ll also learn their desired expectations, like gaining practical career experience and getting a good job post-graduation.

Your Prospective Parent Research Deliverables

Initial Sample Report of Your Institution’s Responses

Ahead of delivery of your completed report, you’ll receive a sample of your Prospective Parent Research report ahead of delivery in the Encoura Platform.

Access to Results in the Encoura Platform

This information will allow you to search and target prospective parents/guardians through segmentations such as geography, student GPA, and major interest.

Facilitated Discussion with an Expert Advisor

An expert from our team will highlight key findings for you and your enrollment management team to get the most out of your data.

Role in College Search Dashboard

Drive your family communications by understanding to what level today’s parents/guardians are involved, both in the college search process and the overall decision-making, including which specific topics they most discuss with their students.

Parental Preferences Dashboard

Learn which factors of college choice (e.g., cost, reputation, major) matter most to parents/guardians–and to what extent–to deliver the most important information to students’ families.

Communications Dashboard

Visualize parent/guardian college communication preferences, including timing, channel, and topics, to customize your marketing strategy and increase engagement.

Timing of College Search

Tap into interactive dashboards, like this "Timing of College Search" dashboard, to filter by various student and/or parent/guardian characteristics to ensure you’re engaging with segmented parents/guardians when they most want to connect with you.


Eduventures Research will design, host, and deliver an online survey of prospective parents/guardians to a national sample on behalf of our subscribers. We strongly recommend that you provide a list of your prospective parents/guardians to get the most out of this survey. This will allow your institution to not only have an adequate sample size, but also help in targeting new markets and obtaining data on out-of-state inquiries.


Date Survey Participants
October 27, 2023 Submit all parents lists to Eduventures
Feburary 2023 Summary report delivered
April 2023 Access to survey results

Refine Your Marketing Strategies With Prospective Parent Mindsets

Our Prospective Parent Mindsets help your institution better understand the mindsets of each parent/guardian as they approach their students’ college searches, as well as how that way of thinking aids them in helping their children throughout the process, empowering you to strengthen and personalize your family recruitment.
get started

Participate in Prospective Parent Research

Encoura is ready to empower you with forward-thinking and actionable research to achieve your institution’s goals. Reach out to us today!