Interested in learning more about Smart+?
Complete the form below—Encoura is ready to empower you with the industry’s leading enrollment platform to achieve your institution’s goals.
Tap into higher ed’s most accurate data science to connect with high school students who are most likely to enroll at your college or university.
Enrollment teams have limited time, staff, and budget to meet rising enrollment goals each year. How do you decide which students to engage?
Encoura connects you to students who are most likely to enroll in your school–saving you time and money–while ensuring your staff is building connections with the right students.
Smart+ from Encoura is the only predictive model that assigns a score to millions of students nationwide to determine their likelihood to enroll—all before you purchase your search list.
Focus your recruiting efforts on the top-performing prospective students who are most likely to enroll in your institution.
Encoura is ready to empower you with Smart+ to achieve your institution’s enrollment goals. Reach out to us today!