Enhance your prospective student recruiting and your current student success with research revealing your institution’s strengths and challenges.
Our Retention Research, which focuses on student experiences applying, enrolling, and studying in college, reveals important insights for colleges and universities to shape their prospective and current student support. Institutions use this custom research to set their students up for success to boost institutional retention and assure prospective students of their future outcomes.
Strengthen Your Retention Strategies
Understand challenges related to your student retention and completion in order to apply the best solutions to support future classes.
Receive and apply practical recommendations personalized for your institution to boost your student outcomes with research-backed solutions.
Assure prospective students that your college is the right path to their future goals by demonstrating your commitment to their successes.
Your Retention Research Deliverables
Eduventures will share a report of survey results that includes an executive summary, analysis of key findings, and charts to visualize and summarize survey question responses. These findings transfer easily into presentations for other departments, leadership, or your board.
Eduventures will use the survey results, our proprietary market research, and forward-thinking higher education strategies to deliver a report chapter that includes top recommendations for your institution that are most likely to boost your student retention and completion rates.
To further support your efforts to improve student outcomes across all campus departments, we provide a summary of representative quotes from students’ responses to open-ended questions. This valuable feedback gives you insight into the specific experiences of students and can help unite stakeholders under a common student success strategy.
Eduventures’ Retention Research provides you with actionable visuals to leverage your institution’s unique strengths and opportunities.
Institutions will partner with Eduventures to discuss which students would provide the most insight for an online custom research survey on student retention. Student samples can include enrolled students, those who did not retain, admitted students, and/or prospective students. Respondents are asked questions about their college search experiences, student services use, and internal and external factors affecting their college successes. Analysis typically focuses primarily on the non-academic concerns of students indicating persistence and/or completion risk.
Depending on the student population type and size to be surveyed, our timeline typically takes an average of two months to design the survey, invite survey participants, and receive responses. Within one month of closing the survey, Eduventures will share a preliminary report of survey results, with a full report including recommendations for your institution to follow.
Encoura is ready to empower you with forward-thinking and actionable research to achieve your institution’s goals. Reach out to us today!