Implement the top digital marketing solutions with targeted messaging proven to engage parents/guardians supporting their students in the college decision process.
Parents/Guardians are usually thinking about and researching colleges earlier than their students. Make sure that these parents know about and connect with your school when they begin college planning discussions at home.
Encoura Digital Solutions’ online ads–like this one featuring University of the Pacific–can make parents/guardians feel seen and supported by highlighting messaging that matters most to them and directing them to family-specific resources.
Celebrate your prospective students and families while delivering important application and enrollment information and deadlines to equip parents/guardians with the resources they need to help their students successfully take their next steps.
Leverage creative designs that reach and inspire families–like this one Encoura Digital Solutions created for Kent State–to encourage parents/guardians to take the next steps toward enrolling their students at your institution.
Ensure prospective families add you to their students’ college lists–and keep you at the top–with graphics and messaging that remind them your institution is worth their investment.
Use parent/guardian-specific messaging to speak directly to their top concerns. Remind families with engaging ads, like this one Encoura Digital Solutions launched for Yale, that they can afford your university with the right financial support.
The majority of today’s students rely heavily on family support through their college search journeys. Make sure that you are engaging siblings and parents/guardians in their preferred languages to assure them of your institution’s fit for their students.
Leverage creative designs that reach and inspire specific populations–like this one Encoura Digital Solutions created for Salem State–to increase the number of prospective families engaging with your institution.
Encoura Digital Solutions would love to connect with you to get started on your best family engagement strategy. Reach out to us today!