Reach Students at Specific Events with Geofencing

With geofencing, your institution can build a virtual parameter that pushes targeted notifications to a qualified audience. Geofencing uses a GPS boundary, so it allows you to send messages once your prospective student “steps” within that area.


How Geofencing Works

Imagine you could place a virtual boundary that allowed you to share your messages down to a zip code—or even a specific address. With geofencing, you can reach prospective students while they’re in a specific area—giving your institution access to your prospective students’ valuable screen time.

For example, let’s say you wanted to reach students attending a particular event—like a college fair. You can trigger alerts, targeted advertising, and more around a specified location—down to an exact address.

Because geofencing allows you to pinpoint a place, they often deliver higher rates of engagement— allowing you to take your brand on the road and make connections where they matter the most.

Creative Examples

Keuka College

Keuka College used geofencing to reach prospective students by sharing the uniqueness of their campus—via visuals—while still featuring attainability messaging.

University of Charleston

In this geofencing ad, the University of Charleston reminded students of their next step. This tactic can be used during a campus event, etc. as it reaches those who have already shown interest.

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Let’s Talk Geofencing

We want to help your team reach prospective students using geofencing tactics. Use the calendar below to select a time that works best for your schedule.